Switching from PipeWire to PulseAudio

Updated -

RHEL 9 introduces PipeWire as the default audio service. PulseAudio, which was the default audio service in previous releases, is still available in RHEL 9, and you can switch your system back to using PulseAudio.


  1. Replace the pipewire-pulseaudio package with pulseaudio:

    # dnf swap --allowerasing pipewire-pulseaudio pulseaudio
  2. Remove PipeWire packages:

    # dnf remove pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack-audio-connection-kit
  3. Install an ALSA compatibility layer for PulseAudio:

    # dnf install alsa-plugins-pulseaudio
  4. Enable the pulseaudio.service globally:

    # systemctl --global enable pulseaudio.service
  5. Reboot the system.

Your system is now configured to manage sound using PulseAudio.
