Podman pull/push fails with 502 http code in QUAY

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Quay
    • 3.x


  • Podman pull fails with the following generic error:

    Error: parsing image configuration: Error fetching blob: invalid status code from registry 502 (Bad Gateway)
  • Podman push fails with the following generic error:

    Error: Error writing blob: Error initiating layer upload to /v2/repo/image/blobs/uploads/ in <registry>: received unexpected HTTP status: 502 Bad Gateway


  1. As a primary solution, restart Quay instances to free up any locked-up workers, clean up temporary files, cache or get rid of any transient issues. Restart can help reset any problematic state.

    • For containerized Quay deployment:

      $ podman restart quay-container
    • For Quay operator deployment:

      $ oc delete pod quay-app 
  2. 502 being a generic error, further search for specific Python traceback from Quay debug logs. Refer to individual KCSs given below. Diagnostic steps and Root Causes are covered there too.

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