Looking for interesting EPEL stories....
RHEL blends the best and the most-sought-after functionality into a stable, Enterprise-ready solution. The scope of what's "in the box" can be staggering: everything you might need to run a business from webservers, identity management, infrastructure management to email and many things in-between are bundled in. While that's a ton of stuff, sometimes it's not enough for every organization's specfic needs.
What's great about Open Source, is the fact that you can change things to suite YOUR unique use-case. One way our community enhances the RHEL-experience is the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) to augment new and more cutting-edge functionality. Part of the Fedora project, and not officially supported by RH, these add-ons can increase the power of your technology, and oftentimes can respresent functionailty our Enterprise customers demand and that might eventually get sucked into RHEL as new or supported offerings.
The following article talks about using EPEL with RHEL:
How to use Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) ?
but we'd really like to hear if YOU are using anything out of EPEL and how it helps your business?