Cluster Autoscaler is not scaling down nodes in OCP 4

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (RHOCP)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)
    • 4
  • Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated (OSD)
    • 4
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO)
    • 4
  • Cluster Autoscaler


  • How to check why the Cluster Autoscaler is not scaling down nodes in OpenShift 4?
  • There are messages in the cluster-autoscaler pod preventing nodes to be removed by the Cluster Autoscaler:

    Skipping [node_name] - node group min size reached
    Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: pod with local storage present: [pod_name]
    Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: openshift-marketplace/[pod_name] is not replicated
    Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: pod annotated as not safe to evict present: [pod_name]


Follow the Diagnostic Steps section to find why the nodes cannot be removed.

Common messages

  • Message "Skipping [node_name] - node group min size reached": The size of the group is currently the minimum size configured, so no more nodes from that group can be removed.
  • Message "Node [node_name] is not suitable for removal - cpu utilization too big": The node cannot be removed as the CPU utilization is high.
  • Message "Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: pod with local storage present": The node cannot be removed as there are pods with local storage in that node. Change the pods to not use local storage to allow the Cluster Autoscaler to scale down nodes running that pod.
  • Message "Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: [namespace_name]/[pod_name] is not replicated": As the pod [pod_name] in the [namespace_name] namespace is not replicated, the Cluster Autoscaler cannot scale down the node without impacting the application. Ensure the application have several replicas to allow the Cluster Autoscaler to scale down nodes running that application.
  • Message "Fast evaluation: node [node_name] cannot be removed: pod annotated as not safe to evict present: [pod_name]": The pod [pod_name] running on [node_name] has the annotation set to false.

Other reasons should be investigated individually.

Known issue with pods in the openshift-marketplace namespace

If the message shown is similar to the following (could be other pods from the same openshift-marketplace namespace):

Fast evaluation: node [node_name_4] cannot be removed: openshift-marketplace/[pod_name] is not replicated

It is a known bug in the default CatalogSource pods, that prevent the nodes to be removed. The bug was tracked in BZ 2019963, and the fix is already published in OCP 4.10.3 as part of BZ 1927478 and errata RHSA-2022:0056.

Note: The fix does not include CatalogSource pods that are not part of the default ones provided by OpenShift. For custom CatalogSource pods, it's possible to configure the scheduling as explained in: Catalog source pod scheduling.

Root Cause

There are several reasons to prevent the cluster autoscaler to scaling down nodes. Refer to How does scale down works in Cluster Autoscaler in OCP 4? for additional information.

Diagnostic Steps

Check the cluster autoscaler logs to see why the nodes cannot be removed:

$ oc get pods -n openshift-machine-api
$ oc logs [cluster-autoscaler-pod_name] -n openshift-machine-api
I0101 00:00:15.318491       1 scale_down.go:443] Node [node_name_1] is not suitable for removal - cpu utilization too big (0.784667)
I0101 00:00:15.319167       1 scale_down.go:443] Node [node_name_2] is not suitable for removal - cpu utilization too big (0.648667)
I0101 00:00:15.319931       1 cluster.go:148] Fast evaluation: [node_name_3] for removal
I0101 00:00:15.319940       1 cluster.go:169] Fast evaluation: node [node_name_3] cannot be removed: pod with local storage present: sonarqube-lts-sonarqube-lts-0
I0101 00:00:15.320002       1 cluster.go:148] Fast evaluation: [node_name_4] for removal
I0101 00:00:15.319978       1 cluster.go:169] Fast evaluation: node [node_name_4] cannot be removed: openshift-marketplace/addon-cluster-logging-operator-catalog-xxxxx is not replicated
I0101 00:00:15.930753       1 clusterapi_controller.go:577] node "[node_name_5]" is in nodegroup "[nodegroup_name]
I0101 00:00:15.930813       1 pre_filtering_processor.go:66] Skipping [node_name_5] - node group min size reached

It's also possible to increase the verbosity or log level of the Cluster Autoscaler, to see if additional information is shown.

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