Anaconda: Only STDERR are logged into a file when using %post --log-file

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6


  • Only STDERR are logged into a file when using %post --log-file in RHEL5.6 or %post --log-file seems corrupted after installation


Root Cause

  • Anaconda does not redirect the STDOUT output to a file when using %post --log-file option

Diagnostic Steps

  • Steps to Reproduce:

    • Create a  kickstart for RHEL5.6
    • Create a %post kickstart script as below:

      %post --logfile /root/ks-post.log.2
      perl -e 'print STDOUT "1: on stdout\n";'
      perl -e 'print STDERR "2: on stderr\n";'
      perl -e 'print STDOUT "3: on stdout\n";'
      perl -e 'print STDERR "4: on stderr\n";'
  • Kickstart the client machine

  • Only the STDERR are logged.

    [root@client_box ~]# cat ks-post.log.2
    2: on stderr
    4: on stderr

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