Set up an external database on Red Hat Single Sign-On for Openshift

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO)
    • 7.2 or later
  • Red Hat Openshift Container Platform (OCP)
    • 3 or later
  • External Database instance


  • Deploying while using an external database instance
  • Example usage
  • Externalize DB in image


Refer to RH-SSO 7.4: Connecting to an external database.

For Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.3, refer to RH-SSO 7.3: Connecting to an external database. Note that the documentation has a broken link. It should point to Assigning an IP Address to the Service.

If you are using, Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.2, the following provides some workarounds that may assist you:

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Examples using PostgreSQL:

These should work for any database, though the variables can be changed.

Root Cause

There was an issue where DB_URL, when assigned, would be truncated if it had & characters or it was not used properly. This has been corrected. More information can be found in this jira:

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