Problems with accessing Ravello console

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I've been using the same laptop all weekend accessing the labs for my learning subscription. Today I try and get the following error:

"Connection Error
You do not have permission to access this connection. If you require access, please ask your system administrator to add you the list of allowed users, or check your system settings.
Your browser supports Web Sockets but a Web Socket connection cannot be made. Contact your system administrator. Note the absence of a Web Socket connection can affect performance of the Ravello console."

I tried deleting/reprovisioning the lab, tried a different lab, restarted my laptop. (didn't think any of these were the issue, but worth trying).
I looked on the Learning Subscription page to see if any issues were posted, outages or something, but found nothing. I put in a case to support, but as I"m taking my RHCE exam in a few days I really would like to resolve this today.

Has anyone seen this issue before & have a direction to send me?

