Red Hat AMQ broker 7 Supported Configurations

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Red Hat AMQ broker 7.12

Every Red Hat AMQ broker release is tested and supported on a variety of market-leading operating systems, Java™ Virtual Machines (JVMs), and database combinations. Red Hat provides both production and development support for supported configurations and tested integrations according to your subscription agreement in both physical and virtual environments.

Supported configuration for previous AMQ broker 7.X releases  can be found here.

AMQ Components Previously Listed On This Page

Components formerly grouped with AMQ 7 such as Streams and Interconnect have been removed from the AMQ grouping and each has a supported configuration page created for it.

AMQ interconnect    AMQ Streams

AMQ Clients have moved to a separate page. AMQ Clients are compatible with all versions of AMQ Broker 7 and are released independently of AMQ Broker.
AMQ Clients

AMQ broker 7.12 Supported Configurations

Red Hat provides both production and development support for supported configurations according to your subscription agreement in both physical and virtual environments.[1] In order to be running in a supported configuration, AMQ broker must be running in one of the following JVM versions and on one of the operating systems supported by that JVM.

Java Virtual Machine Version
OpenJDK 11, 17
OracleJDK 11,17

[1] Red Hat expects that customers will remain on a supported environment. In the event that a JVM, operating system, database, etc., or its version is no longer supported by its vendor, Red Hat may be limited in its ability to provide support and may require you to reproduce the issue in a supported environment for continued assistance.

AMQ broker 7.12 Tested Configurations

Red Hat has performed the full range of platform tests on the following platforms.

Operating system Architecture JVM
RHEL 7 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17 , Oracle JDK 11
RHEL 8 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17, Oracle JDK 11
RHEL 9 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17, Oracle JDK 11

AMQ broker 7.12 Supported but not Tested Configurations

Red Hat has performed a limited range of platform tests on the following platforms.

Operating system Architecture JVM
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17, Oracle JDK 11
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17, Oracle JDK 11
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 x86_64 OpenJDK 11 & 17, Oracle JDK 11

Interoperability with FUSE

With regards to FUSE, AMQ broker 7.x is only supported as a remote broker. AMQ Broker 7.x is not certified to run as the internal broker in FUSE 6.x or 7.x. AMQ broker 7.x has been tested and certified to work as an external broker with FUSE 6.x and 7.x components (camel-jms, camel-amqp).

OpenShift Images

Image OpenShift Compatibility Architecture
Red Hat AMQ broker 7.12 OpenShift 4.12,4.13,4.14,4.15,4.16 x86_64, aarch64, s390x, & ppc64le
Red Hat AMQ broker Operator OpenShift 4.12,4.13,4.14,4.15,4.16 x86_64, aarch64, s390x, & ppc64le

Note: AMQ 7.8 is the last version of AMQ broker supported on OpenShift 3.11.

Cloud Services

AMQ broker 7.12 is supported as the following cloud services
Redhat Openshift Service on AWS (ROSA)
Microsoft Azure Redhat Openshift

Note: When running the Broker in AWS it is recommended to use EBS storage instead of EFS. EFS was intended for large storage and not transactional processing and could lead to low throughput which in turn could cause the broker to become unresponsive.

Tested databases

Database Version JDBC Driver Version
Oracle 12c, 18c, 19c v12
DB2 11 v4
MSSQL 2016 and 2019 v8.4.1
PostgreSQL 11.5 v11
Mysql 8 v8

Note: Databases are only required when JDBC is selected as the message persistence store option. Please read documentation to understand the limitations and performance trade-offs inherent in using JDBC persistence.

Message wire-protocol conversion support

Messages sent to an address from a client that uses one wire-protocol should be consumable from a client using one of the other supported wire protocols as listed below.

Protocol AMQP 1.0 OpenWire CORE MQTT 5.0 STOMP
AMQP 1.0 ---
OpenWire ---
CORE ---
MQTT 5.0 ---
  • AMQP 1.0 is the message protocol of the AMQ JMS, AMQ C++, AMQ JavaScript, AMQ Python, and AMQ .NET clients.
  • OpenWire is the message protocol of the AMQ OpenWire JMS client, the JMS implementation previously provided in AMQ 6. It is provided for backward compatibility during migration from AMQ 6 to AMQ 7. As AMQ 6 is coming to the end of its life it is strongly recommended that customers that have migrated from AMQ 6 to 7 migrate any remaining OpenWire clients to a modern supported client in one of the other actively supported clients.
  • Core Protocol is the message protocol of the AMQ Core Protocol JMS client, the JMS implementation previously provided with HornetQ.
  • MQTT is a machine to machine messaging protocol commonly used in IoT applications. AMQ 7 Brokers support version MQTT 5 with Qos levels of 0,1, & 2 Red Hat does not provide clients for use with the MQTT protocol. Several MQTT clients for multiple languages can be found at the MQTT Community.
  • STOMP is a simple text based protocol for sending messages through a broker. Red Hat does not provide clients for STOMP. For information about using STOMP visit the STOMP site.

Supported network file systems

The following network file systems are supported for use with AMQ Broker 7.10 in the master/slave failover configuration:

  • NFSv4
  • GFS2
  • GlusterFS *
  • Ceph

Note:   GlusterFS is supported for use as the message store for brokers in OpenShift and "bare metal," environments. GlusterFS is not recommended or supported for creating multiple-datacenter/availability zone DR strategies.

Kerberos Network Authentication Service

Kerberos version 5 is supported for authentication between kerberos enabled clients and the broker. Kerberos was tested with the following.

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory
  • Free IPA (Red Hat Identity Management) 4.5.0-21

LDAP Directories tested for use with the broker

The following LDAP providers were tested as users stores for authentication and authorization

  • Windows Active Directory
  • Apache Directory Server
  • RH 389 Directory Server

A Note on shared - nothing high availability

Shared - nothing HA is only supported in a single local data center preferably on the same network subnet. Shared - nothing HA is very sensitive to network latency and consistency therefore shared - nothing HA configurations where the master is in one data center and the slave is in another are specifically not supported.

Apache Maven

AMQ 7.12 was built from source using Apache Maven 3.6.3. It should not be assumed that building from source with an earlier version will work. Any examples provided with the broker should be built or executed with Maven 3.6.3.
