How to Install or list only errata using Yum on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux


  • How can we install a particular errata using yum?
  • How can we list all errata available using yum?


  • To install errata using yum, yum-plugin-security must be installed on the system.
  • Yum can be used to install an errata as explained in this example:
For eg: Errata RHSA-2012:1407-1 is available for a client, then run the below mentioned command on the client.

# yum update --advisory RHSA-2012:1407

NOTE: Only the major advisory name has to be used in the command, as in the above command the available errata is "RHSA-2012:1407-1" but we need to pass "RHSA-2012:1407" with the command.

  • To list available errata:
# yum list-sec
# yum --security check-update
  • To list installed errata:
    For RHEL 7

    # yum updateinfo list security installed

    For RHEL 8

    # yum updateinfo list security --installed
  • Component
  • yum

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