How to preserve custom locales across glibc-* updates?
- How to preserve custom locales across
updates? - Why does customized locale info disappear after updating
? - How to preserve custom locales after
re-install? -
After updating
and dependent packages, some locale info is missing from the output of# locale -a
.# localedef -f WINDOWS-31J -i ja_JP ja_JP.SJIS # locale -a | grep ja ja_JP ja_JP.eucjp ja_JP.sjis <=== here it is. ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.utf8 japanese japanese.euc # yum update glibc -y (..SNIP..) # locale -a | grep ja ja_JP ja_JP.eucjp ja_JP.ujis ja_JP.utf8 japanese japanese.euc /* ja_JP.sjis is missing */
Why does this happen? And should I define it again?
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- 5.x
- 6.x
- 7.x
- 8.x
- 9.x
- glibc
- glibc-common
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