RPM installation fails with 'db3 error(12) from dbcursor->c_put: Cannot allocate memory' in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6


  • During rpm installation, command is failing with error.
error: db3 error(12) from dbcursor->c_put: Cannot allocate memory
  • After the problem happens, the rpm command sometimes fails, core-dumped, or/and the rpm database gets corrupted.


  • It might be a corrupted RPMDB. In order to fix it please run:

    # rpm --rebuilddb

    And retry the operation.

  • This has been fixed in db4-4.7.25-20.el6_7 which is shipped from RHEL 6.8

  • Update the grub2 package to fix this issue.

Root Cause

Diagnostic Steps

/var/lib/rpm/Packages contains following error.

`'rpmdb_verify: /var/lib/rpm/Packages: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed'` upon rpmdb_verify
  • Component
  • db4

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