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RHEL で systemctl コマンドを使用して auditd サービスを再起動/停止できない

Solution In Progress - Updated -


  • systemctl restart auditd コマンドが以下のエラーで失敗します。

    # systemctl restart auditd
    Failed to restart auditd.service: Operation refused, unit auditd.service may be requested by dependency only.
  • systemctl stop auditd コマンドが以下のエラーで失敗します。

    Failed to stop auditd.service: Operation refused, unit auditd.service may be requested by dependency only (it is configured to refuse manual start/stop).
    See system logs and 'systemctl status auditd.service' for details.


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9
  • audit-2.8.5 および audit-3.0

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