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解像度を 800x600 より大きくすることができません

Solution Verified - Updated -


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5


  • システム、詳細設定、ディスプレイツールで、実際の解像度が 800x600 より高い場合に、800x600 より高い解像度を設定することができません。これにより、ハードウェア認証テストの VIDEO セクションが失敗します。なぜなら、これには 1024x768 @ 24 bpp が最低解像度および色深度を設定する必要があるからです。



  • パラメータ "resolution=1024x768" を grub.conf のカーネル行に追加します。
  • パラメータ "video=1024x768" を grub.conf のカーネル行に追加します。
  • 以下の xorg.conf ファイルを修正して使用すると、ハードウェア認証に必要な 1024x768 解像度を設定することができます。xorg.conf を作成するには、How to create "xorg.conf" to configure X Windows on a system with no prior X configuration ? を参照してください。
    # This xorg.conf file has been designed for systems that support a resolution
    # of 1024x768 or greater, but only lower resolutions are listed in the
    # computer's System, Preferences, Display application.It assumes that X works
    # at low resolutions.It will allow you to achieve the 1024x768 resolution 
    # necessary for hardware certification purposes if you save it as xorg.conf,
    # place it in the /etc/X11 directory and restart X. Please read the other 
    # comment lines in this file and follow their directions to prepare the 
    # file for use. 
    Section "Monitor"
         Identifier   "Monitor0"
         ModelName    "LCD Panel 1024x768"
    # The HorizSync and VertRefresh lines below are designed for a generic LCD
    # monitor.They should also work for modern CRT monitors.If you know your 
    # monitor's values, replace the ones shown below with those values. 
    # Otherwise, uncomment the next two lines and use them as-is.
    #     HorizSync    31.5 - 48.0
    #     VertRefresh  56.0 - 65.0
         Option         "dpms"
    Section "Device"
         Identifier  "Videocard0"
    # The Driver line below should contain the appropriate driver for your system.
    # You can find your driver by looking at the system's /var/log/Xorg.0.log file
    # for lines that begin with driver names, like these:
    # This is an example of a system using the Matrox 'mga' driver
    # (II) MGA(0): initializing int10
    # (II) MGA(0):Primary V_BIOS segment is:0xc000
    # (II) MGA(0):VESA BIOS detected
    # (II) MGA(0):VESA VBE Version 3.0
    # This is an example of a system using the Aspeed 'ast' driver
    # (II) AST(0): initializing int10
    # (II) AST(0):Primary V_BIOS segment is:0xc000
    # (II) AST(0):VESA BIOS detected
    # (II) AST(0):VESA VBE Version 3.0
    # Replace the 'vesa' on the Driver line below (unless you are using the vesa 
    # driver) with the proper driver for your system and then uncomment the line.
    #     Driver      "vesa"
    Section "Screen"
         Identifier "Screen0"
         Device     "Videocard0"
         Monitor    "Monitor0"
         DefaultDepth     24
         SubSection "Display"
              Viewport   0 0
              Depth     24

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