multipath デーモンが message ログに "multipathd:asm!.asm_ctl_vmb" or "multipathd: ofsctl: failed to get path uid" を記録するのはなぜですか?
- multipath デーモンが messages ログに
multipathd: asm!.asm_ctl_vmb
multipathd: asm!.asm_ctl_vbg3: add path (uevent)
multipathd: asm!.asm_ctl_vbg3: failed to store path info
multipathd: uevent trigger error
multipathd: ofsctl: add path (uevent)
multipathd: ofsctl: failed to get path uid
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- dm-multipath
- Oracle ASM
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