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4. Fixed Bugs in JBoss Operations Network 3.1

These bugs have been fixed in JBoss Operations Network 3.1. For a complete list of all issues addressed in JBoss Operations Network 3.1, query Bugzilla for all bugs which target the JBoss ON 3.1 release.

Table 3. JBoss ON 3.1 Fixed Bugs

Bug Number Component Description
Bugzilla 768707 Agent If the RHQ_AGENT_CMDLINE_OPTS variable was set in the file, only the options specified in the variable were used by the agent, and none of the default (required) values were supplied. This could cause the agent to fail to start or to have odd behavior.
Bugzilla 790753 Agent
The assumption is that the JBoss ON agent and resources like a JBoss server or Tomcat server run as the same system user. If the agent user is different than the resource user, then there can be problems when one entity makes a configuration change and the other attempts a change later.
For example, when deploying an application, the deployment operation is initiated by the agent and the content is supplied through the agent, and then the application server completes the actual deployment. When deleting an application, the application server handles the undeployment by itself.
If a WAR file is deployed exploded without a MANIFEST.MF file, the agent creates one when it writes the SHA-256 value for the package. When the JBoss AS/EAP server tries to remove the WAR application later (and the JBoss AS/EAP user is different than the agent user), then the removal fails. The JBoss AS/EAP server cannot delete the MANIFEST.MF file. The agent then rediscovers the application directory and re-initiates the deployment operation for the removed WAR.
Bugzilla 787322 CLI If the CLI were run as a service or in the background, even with a proper script file or commands passed with the CLI, the Java process would hang and the command execution failed. The CLI required that a terminal be attached to the Java process, even when it was not necessary.
Bugzilla 815869 Groups In some rare cases, an autocluster (compatible) group definition could be switched to a mixed group, but the autogroup definition stayed associated with the group. Attempting to delete the dynamic mixed group (with a wrongly associated cluster group) would fail with database errors.
Bugzilla 819897 Groups The number of members listed in recursive groups could be wrong because uncommitted resources listed in the discovery queue are included as implicit members.
Bugzilla 755703 Monitoring The Get Live Value button for a per-minute metric for a resource returned the raw value for the metric instead of the averaged per-minute value.
Bugzilla 786889 Monitoring In some rare circumstances, the agent would allow a metric schedule to be set with an invalid collection schedule, such as 0 seconds. The agent now rejects invalid metric collection schedules, automatically sets the schedule to 20 minutes, and logs an error in the agent log.
Bugzilla 815979 Monitoring The memory metrics reported by JBoss ON differed from the metrics reported by native system tools because the JBoss ON calculations did not include space from caches or buffers. The memory calculation has been changed to include buffer and cache metrics, as new actual free and actual used memory, and platform utilization metrics have been updated.
Bugzilla 767981 Plug-in (JBoss EAP 4 and 5) When deploying a new ESB through the GUI, JBoss ON always installs it in the JBoss server's deploy/ directory, regardless of whatever target directory was entered in the deployment wizard.
Bugzilla 646631 Plug-in (JBoss EAP 4 and 5) If an application is deployed to a JBoss server's farm directory and an update content operation is run, the application is no longer deployed to the farm.
Bugzilla 789967 Plug-in (HornetQ) A problem in the HornetQ plug-in meant that the agent attempted to discover the parent of a HornetQ resource as a JBoss AS 5 server, even if the actual parent was a JBoss AS 4 server. This has been fixed in HornetQ 2.0.1.Final.
Bugzilla 817690 Plug-ins (HornetQ) The HornetQ plug-in with JBoss ON 3.0.1 did not work with the version of HornetQ included with JBoss EAP 5. This caused Java exceptions when attempting to add HornetQ resources.
Bugzilla 799532 Plug-ins (JMX) The Java attach API attempts to discover Java processes which are running as the same user as the agent. When the agent is running as root, it would sent a SIGQUIT command to attempt to connect to a Java process running as another user, but the connection attempt failed, so all the agent did was kill the other Java process. The JMX plug-in has been changed so that the agent does not attempt to connect to any Java process running as a different user.
Bugzilla 751873 Provisioning If a WAR file was deployed through JBoss ON and then deleted on the local system, the JBoss server still ran the application from memory, with no attempt to undeploy the application.
Bugzilla 790224 Provisioning Attempting to revert a bundle past a certain number (about 10 times) would cause the revert process to fail with a database error that the concatenated string exceeded the column width.
Bugzilla 804139 Provisioning If the file content in a bundle was too small, the content manager did not properly initialize the content, and then deploying the bundle failed because the SHA256 of the initialized content did not match the stored SHA256.
Bugzilla 806214 Provisioning Uploading deploy.xml through the provisioning wizard actually corrupted the XML when it was rendered in the browser. This created an invalid recipe file, which caused the bundle deployment to fail.
Bugzilla 738209 Security If an LDAP group was a member of a role, that role could not be deleted.
Bugzilla 747925 Server If an agent plug-in definition was updated, the existing resources of that resource type were not updated, so new operations or metrics or other changes were not displayed for the resources.
Bugzilla 813083 Server A deleted resource (such as an EAR or WAR application) is not deleted from the server inventory; it is essentially stashed. If the resource is ever re-added, then its previous audit trails and metrics histories are also preserved. However, the server improperly attempted to sync deleted resource over to the agent. When the agent then sent subsequent inventory reports to the server, it included the deleted resources — which caused the server to reject the inventory report. Now, the server inventory sync filters out the (preserved) deleted resources before sending updates to the agent.
Bugzilla 789529 UI When checking the Inventory > Connection Settings tab for an autogroup, the server could throw a ClassCastException. It was checking the resource manager to see if updates were currently in progress, when it should have been checking the plug-in configuration manager.
Bugzilla 796096 UI All of the bottom buttons (like Refresh) were inactivated after creating a child resource through a resource's Inventory tab.
Bugzilla 804303 UI The UI did not preserve changes to the default view for a resource's Monitoring > Graphs tab. This error also prevented users from creating a custom view for a resource's monitoring graphs.
Bugzilla 805210 UI When using an Oracle database as the backend, some portlets for the dashboard could fail to load because a property value could have an empty value, which Oracle interpreted as NULL.
Bugzilla 817165 UI Some autogroups are automatically named after their child resource. For example, embedded WAR applications belong to an autogroup that is named for the WAR file. If the child resource changes its name, then the autogroup was renamed in the UI as "...", not the new name of the resource.