11.2. Run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid in a Cluster

The clustered quickstarts for Red Hat JBoss Data Grid are based on the quickstarts found in https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan-quickstart/tree/master/clustered-cache.

11.2.1. Compile the Project

Use Maven to compile your project with the following command:
$ mvn clean compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DstripVersion

11.2.2. Run the Clustered Cache with Replication Mode

To run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's replication mode example of a clustered cache, launch two nodes from different consoles.

Procedure 11.1. Run the Clustered Cache with Replication Mode

  1. Use the following command to launch the first node:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.replication.Node0
  2. Use the following command to launch the second node:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.replication.Node1

JGroups and JBoss Data Grid initialized on both nodes. After approximately fifteen seconds, the cache entry log message appears on the console of the first node.

11.2.3. Run the Clustered Cache with Distribution Mode

To run Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's distribution mode example of a clustered cache, launch three nodes from different consoles.

Procedure 11.2. Run the Clustered Cache with Distribution Mode

  1. Use the following command to launch the first node:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.distribution.Node0
  2. Use the following command to launch the second node:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.distribution.Node1
  3. Use the following command to launch the third node:
    $ java -cp target/classes/:target/dependency/* org.infinispan.quickstart.clusteredcache.distribution.Node2

JGroups and JBoss Data Grid initialized on the three nodes. After approximately fifteen seconds, the ten entries added by the third node are visible as they are distributed to the first and second nodes.

11.2.4. Configure the Cluster

Use the following steps to add and configure your cluster:

Procedure 11.3. Configure the Cluster

  1. Add the default configuration for a new cluster.
  2. Customize the default cluster configuration according to the requirements of your network. This is done declaratively (using XML) or programmatically.
  3. Configure the replicated or distributed data grid. Add the Default Cluster Configuration

Add a cluster configuration to ensure that Red Hat JBoss Data Grid is aware that a cluster exists and is defined. The following is a default configuration that serves this purpose:

Example 11.2. Default Configuration

new ConfigurationBuilder()


Use the new GlobalConfigurationBuilder().clusteredDefault() to quickly create a preconfigured and cluster-aware GlobalConfiguration for clusters. This configuration can also be customized. Customize the Default Cluster Configuration

Depending on the network requirements, you may need to customize your JGroups configuration.
Programmatic Configuration:

Use the following GlobalConfiguration code to specify the name of the file to use for JGroups configuration:

new GlobalConfigurationBuilder().transport().addProperty("configurationFile", "jgroups.xml")
Replace jgroups.xml with the desired file name.
The jgroups.xml file is located at Infinispan-Quickstart/clustered-cache/src/main/resources/.


To bind JGroups solely to your loopback interface (to avoid any configured firewalls), use the system property -Djgroups.bind_addr="". This is particularly useful to test a cluster where all nodes are on a single machine.
Declarative Configuration:

Use the following XML snippet in the infinispan.xml file to configure the JGroups properties to use Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's XML configuration:

         <property name="configurationFile" value="jgroups.xml"/>
</global> Configure the Replicated Data Grid

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's replicated mode ensures that every entry is replicated on every node in the data grid.
This mode offers security against data loss due to node failures and excellent data availability. These benefits are at the cost of limiting the storage capacity to the amount of storage available on the node with the least memory.
Programmatic Configuration:

Use the following code snippet to programmatically configure the cache for replication mode (either synchronous or asynchronous):

private static EmbeddedCacheManager createCacheManagerProgramatically() {
   return new DefaultCacheManager(
      new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
         .transport().addProperty("configurationFile", "jgroups.xml")
      new ConfigurationBuilder()
Declarative Configuration:

Edit the infinispan.xml file to include the following XML code to declaratively configure the cache for replication mode (either synchronous or asynchronous):

<infinispan xsi:schemaLocation="urn:infinispan:config:8.3 http://www.infinispan.org/schemas/infinispan-config-8.3.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:infinispan:config:8.3">
            <property name="configurationFile" value="jgroups.xml"/>
      <clustering mode="replication">
Use the following code to initialize and return a DefaultCacheManager with the XML configuration file:
private static EmbeddedCacheManager createCacheManagerFromXml() throws IOException {
   return new DefaultCacheManager("infinispan.xml");}


JBoss EAP includes its own underlying JMX. This can cause a collision when using the sample code with JBoss EAP and display an error such as org.infinispan.jmx.JmxDomainConflictException: Domain already registered org.infinispan.
To avoid this, configure global configuration as follows:
GlobalConfiguration glob = new GlobalConfigurationBuilder()
        .build(); Configure the Distributed Data Grid

Red Hat JBoss Data Grid's distributed mode ensures that each entry is stored on a subset of the total nodes in the data grid. The number of nodes in the subset is controlled by the numOwners parameter, which sets how many owners each entry has.
Distributed mode offers increased storage capacity but also results in increased access times and less durability (protection against node failures). Adjust the numOwners value to set the desired trade off between space, durability and availability. Durability is further improved by JBoss Data Grid's topology aware consistent hash, which locates entry owners across a variety of data centers, racks and nodes.
Programmatic Configuration:

Programmatically configure the cache for distributed mode (either synchronous or asynchronous) as follows:

new ConfigurationBuilder()
Declarative Configuration:

Edit the infinispan.xml file to include the following XML code to declaratively configure the cache for distributed mode (either synchronous or asynchronous):

   <clustering mode="distribution">
      <hash numOwners="2"/>