Chapter 17. The Rapid Stock Market Quickstart

The Rapid Stock Market quickstart demonstrates how JBoss Data Grid's compatibility mode works with a Hot Rod client (to store data) and a HTTP client using REST (to retrieve data). This quickstart is only available in JBoss Data Grid's Remote Client-Server mode and does not use any containers.
The Rapid Stock Market quickstart includes a server-side and a client-side application.

17.1. Build and Run the Rapid Stock Market Quickstart

The Rapid Stock Market quickstart requires the following configuration for the server and client sides of the application.

Procedure 17.1. Rapid Stock Market Quickstart Server-side Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Root Directory

    Open a command line and navigate to the root directory of this quickstart.
  2. Build a server module for the JBoss Data Grid Server by packaging a class that is common for the client and server in a jar file:
    $ mvn clean package -Pprepare-server-module
    Place the new jar file in a directory structure that is similar to the server module.
  3. Install the server module into the server.
    1. Copy the prepared module to the server:
      $ cp -r target/modules ${JDG_SERVER_HOME}/
    2. Add the new module as a dependency of the org.infinispan.commons module by adding the following into the modules/system/layers/base/org/infinispan/commons/main/module.xml file:
      <module name="org.infinispan.quickstart.compatibility.common"/>
  4. Build the application:
    $ mvn clean package
  5. Configure the JBoss Data Grid to use the appropriate configuration file.
    1. Copy the example configuration file for compatibility mode to a location where the JBoss Data Grid Server can locate and use it:
      $ cp ${JDG_SERVER_HOME}/docs/examples/configs/standalone-compatibility-mode.xml ${JDG_SERVER_HOME}/standalone/configuration
    2. Remove the security-domain and auth-method attributes from the rest-connector element to disable REST security.
  6. Start the JBoss Data Grid Server in compatibility mode:
    $ ${JDG_SERVER_HOME}/bin/ -c standalone-compatibility-mode.xml

Procedure 17.2. Rapid Stock Market Quickstart Client-side Configuration

  1. In a new command line terminal window, start the client-side application:
    $ mvn exec:java -Pclient
  2. Use the instructions in the help menu for the client application.