Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

18.30. Secure Non-Remote Method Invocation Classes on Port 8083

Client applications can, by default, utilize Remote Method Invocation to download Enterprise Java Bean classes through port 8083. However, you can also configure the system's Remote Method Invocation settings to allow client applications to download any deployed resources you desire.

Procedure 18.10. Task

  1. Edit the Settings in the jboss-service.xml File

    Open the file in a text editor: vi SOA_ROOT/server/PROFILE/conf/jboss-service.xml
  2. Configure the Settings in the File

    Here is an example:
    <attribute name="DownloadServerClasses">false</attribute>
    Set this value to false to ensure that client applications can only download Enterprise Java Bean classes.


    By default, this value is set to false in the SOA Platform's 'production' profile. The value is set to true in all other cases, including the SOA Standalone version's default profile. Note that this is not a secure configuration and should only be used in development environments.