Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

13.6. create_database.sql Settings

The following SQL code shows the structure of the create_database.sql files:
   uuid varchar(128) NOT NULL,
   type varchar(128) NOT NULL,
   message text(4000) NOT NULL,
   delivered varchar(10) NOT NULL,
   classification varchar(10),
   PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`)
  • The UUID column is used to store a unique key for the message. This key takes the form of a standard uniform resource identifier.
  • Message keys look like this:
    urn:jboss:esb:message:UID: + UUID.randomUUID()_


    This syntax makes use of the UUID's random number generator.
  • The "type" will be equal to that of the stored message. (The JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform ships with two different versions of "type", these being JBOSS_XML and JAVA_SERIALIZED, respectively.)
  • The "message" column contains the contents of the actual message itself.
  • The database message store implementation supplied works by invoking a connection to your pre-configured database. (Both a stand-alone connection manager, and another for using a JNDI data-source, are also supplied as part of the product.)
  • The two pre-supplied connection managers for the database pool are: org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.manager.StandaloneConnectionManager and org.jboss.soa.esb.persistence.manager.J2eeConnectionManager.