Red Hat Training

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Chapter 16. Browse

Browse Component

Available as of Apache Camel 2.0
The Browse component provides a simple BrowsableEndpoint which can be useful for testing, visualisation tools or debugging. The exchanges sent to the endpoint are all available to be browsed.

URI format

Where someName can be any string to uniquely identify the endpoint.


In the route below, we insert a browse: component to be able to browse the Exchanges that are passing through:
We can now inspect the received exchanges from within the Java code:
    private CamelContext context;

    public void inspectRecievedOrders() {
        BrowsableEndpoint browse = context.getEndpoint("browse:orderReceived", BrowsableEndpoint.class);
        List<Exchange> exchanges = browse.getExchanges();
        // then we can inspect the list of received exchanges from Java
        for (Exchange exchange : exchanges) {
            String payload = exchange.getIn().getBody();