Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

7.19. Passing Parameters to a jBPM5 Process on signalEvent

// create the ESB message
Message esbMessage = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage();
// set the process event type as defined in the process definition
esbMessage.getProperties().setProperty("processEventType", "NewMessage");
// add a parameter
esbMessage.getProperties().setProperty("name", "Hardy");

// setup data required to identify the intended target process instance
ContextImpl ctxi = (ContextImpl) esbMessage.getContext();
// set the session id
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-session-id", sessionId);
// set the instance id.
ctxi.setContext("jbpm5-processinstance-id", processInstanceId);
The following 'name' property will be assigned on process start when the 'name' ESB message property will be set:
<definition ...>
    <itemDefinition id="_nameItem" structureRef="String" />
    <process name="Hello" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" ...>
        <property id="name" itemSubjectRef="_nameItem"/>
        <!-- ... -->
    <!-- ... -->
To define a process property of type java.util.Map:
<definition ...>

  <itemDefinition id="_objectMapItem" structureRef="java.util.Map" />

  <process name="Hello" tns:packageName="defaultPackage" ...>

    <property id="objectMap" itemSubjectRef="_objectMapItem"/>
    <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
To extract parameters:
String name2 = objectMap.get("name"); // will retrieve the Hardy string