Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform

16.13. BusinessRulesProcessor Action Configuration Properties

Table 16.2. BusinessRulesProcessor Action Configuration Properties

Property Description
An optional reference to a file containing the ruleSet used to evaluate the content. Only one ruleSet can be given for each rule service instance.
An optional reference to a file containing the definition of a Domain Specific Language. This definition can be used for evaluating the rule set. Ensure that the file in the ruleSet is a dslr .
ruleReload Set this optional property to true to enable the hot redeployment of rule sets . (Enabling this feature will increase the overhead on the rules processing.) Note that rules will reload if the .esb archive they reside in is redeployed.
An optional reference to a file containing the definition of a rule-specification spreadsheet.
Set this optional property to true to specify that the rule service will be receiving multiple messages over time. The rules will be re-executed each time.
Optional property to pass message objects into JBoss Rules' working memory.
Optional property to define the stateful rule execution method. Valid values are FIRE_ALL_RULES (default) and FIRE_UNTIL_HALT (launches its own thread. Useful for Complex Event Processing "CEP".)
Optional property to have Drools perform audit logging. The log can be read into the Drools Eclipse plugin and inspected. Valid values are CONSOLE, FILE and THREADED_FILE. The default is that no audit logging will be performed.
Optional property to define the filepath for audit logging. Only applies to FILE or THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is "event". Note that JBoss Drools will append ".log" for you. The default location for this file is "." in the current working directory (which for JBoss is in its bin/ directory).
Optional property to define how often to flush audit events to the audit log. Only applies to the THREADED_FILE ruleAuditType. The default is 1000 (milliseconds).
Optional property to define the clock used by JBoss Drools. Valid values are REALTIME and PSEUDO. The default is REALTIME.
Optional property to define the event processing option used by Drools. The valid values are CLOUD or STREAM (useful for CEP). The default is CLOUD.
Optional property to define whether or not to enable KnowledgeBase partitioning. The default is null, which delegates to Drools' default (which is false).
Optional property to define the number of threads to use for KnowledgeBase partitioning. This is only respected if ruleMultithreadEvaluation is true. The default is null, which delegates to JBoss Rules' default.
Optional property to define any Channels a rule can send Objects to. The Channel concept used to be known as an ExitPoint.