9.3. Using the Memcached Interface

9.3.1. Memcached Statistics

The following table contains a list of valid statistics available using the memcached protocol in JBoss Data Grid.

Table 9.1. Memcached Statistics

Statistic Data Type Details
uptime 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the time (in seconds) that the memcached instance has been available and running.
time 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the current time.
version String Contains the current version.
curr_items 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the number of items currently stored by the instance.
total_items 32-bit unsigned integer. Contains the total number of items stored by the instance during its lifetime.
cmd_get 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of get operation requests (requests to retrieve data).
cmd_set 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of set operation requests (requests to store data).
get_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys that are present from the keys requested.
get_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys that were not found from the keys requested.
delete_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be deleted that were located and successfully deleted.
delete_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be deleted that were not located and therefore could not be deleted.
incr_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be incremented that were located and successfully incremented
incr_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be incremented that were not located and therefore could not be incremented.
decr_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be decremented that were located and successfully decremented.
decr_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be decremented that were not located and therefore could not be decremented.
cas_hits 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be compared and swapped that were found and successfully compared and swapped.
cas_misses 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys to be compared and swapped that were not found and therefore not compared and swapped.
cas_badvalue 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of keys where a compare and swap occurred but the original value did not match the supplied value.
evictions 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the number of eviction calls performed.
bytes_read 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of bytes read by the server from the network.
bytes_written 64-bit unsigned integer Contains the total number of bytes written by the server to the network.