8.2. Ruby Client Code

The following code is an example of interacting with JBoss Data Grid REST API using ruby. The provided code does not require any special libraries and standard net/HTTP libraries are sufficient.
require 'net/http'

http = Net::HTTP.new('localhost', 8080)

#An example of how to create a new entry

http.post('/rest/MyData/MyKey', DATA HERE', {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"})

#An example of using a GET operation to retrieve the key

puts http.get('/rest/MyData/MyKey').body

#An Example of using a PUT operation to overwrite the key

http.put('/rest/MyData/MyKey', 'MORE DATA', {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"})

#An example of Removing the remote copy of the key


#An example of creating binary data

http.put('/rest/MyImages/Image.png', File.read('/Users/michaelneale/logo.png'), {"Content-Type" => "image/png"})