12.5. RESTEasy Configuration

12.5.1. RESTEasy Configuration Parameters

Table 12.2. Elements

Option Name Default Value Description
resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix No default If the url-pattern for the Resteasy servlet-mapping is not /*.
resteasy.scan false Automatically scan WEB-INF/lib jars and WEB-INF/classes directory for both @Provider and JAX-RS resource classes (@Path, @GET, @POST etc..) and register them.
resteasy.scan.providers false Scan for @Provider classes and register them.
resteasy.scan.resources false Scan for JAX-RS resource classes.
resteasy.providers no default A comma delimited list of fully qualified @Provider class names you want to register.
resteasy.use.builtin.providers true Whether or not to register default, built-in @Provider classes.
resteasy.resources No default A comma delimited list of fully qualified JAX-RS resource class names you want to register.
resteasy.jndi.resources No default A comma delimited list of JNDI names which reference objects you want to register as JAX-RS resources.
javax.ws.rs.Application No default Fully qualified name of Application class to bootstrap in a spec portable way.
resteasy.media.type.mappings No default Replaces the need for an Accept header by mapping file name extensions (like .xml or .txt) to a media type. Used when the client is unable to use a Accept header to choose a representation (i.e. a browser).
resteasy.language.mappings No default Replaces the need for an Accept-Language header by mapping file name extensions (like .en or .fr) to a language. Used when the client is unable to use a Accept-Language header to choose a language (i.e. a browser).


In a Servlet 3.0 container, the resteasy.scan.* configurations in the web.xml file are ignored, and all JAX-RS annotated components will be automatically scanned.