3.3. Example: List Host Cluster Collection

Red Hat Virtualization Manager creates a Default host cluster on installation. This example uses the Default cluster to group resources in your Red Hat Virtualization environment.
The following request retrieves a representation of the cluster collection:

Example 3.3. List host clusters collection


GET /ovirt-engine/api/clusters HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml

cURL command:

# curl -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml" -u [USER:PASS] \
    --cacert [CERT] \
    https://[RHEVM Host]:443/ovirt-engine/api/clusters


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

    <cluster id="99408929-82cf-4dc7-a532-9d998063fa95"
        <description>The default server cluster</description>
        <link rel="networks"
        <link rel="permissions"
        <cpu id="Intel Penryn Family"/>
        <data_center id="01a45ff0-915a-11e0-8b87-5254004ac988"
            <overcommit percent="100"/>
        <version minor="0" major="4"/>

Note the id code of your Default host cluster. This code identifies this host cluster in relation to other resources of your virtual environment.
The Default cluster is associated with the Default data center through a relationship using the id and href attributes of the data_center element.
The networks sub-collection contains a list of associated network resources for this cluster. The next section examines the networks collection in more detail.