2.3. Authentication Sessions

The API also provides the ability for authentication session support. An API user sends an initial request with authentication details, then sends all subsequent requests using a session cookie to authenticate. The following procedure demonstrates how to use an authenticated session.

Procedure 2.3. Requesting an authenticated session

  1. Send a request with the Authorization and Prefer: persistent-auth
    HEAD [base] HTTP/1.1
    Host: [host]
    Authorization: Basic cmhldm1hZG1pbkBibGFjay5xdW1yYW5ldC5jb206MTIzNDU2
    Prefer: persistent-auth
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    This returns a response with the following header:
    Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK; Path=/ovirt-engine/api; Secure
    Note the JSESSIONID= value. In this example the value is JSESSIONID=5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK.
  2. Send all subsequent requests with the Prefer: persistent-auth and cookie header with the JSESSIONID= value. The Authorization is no longer needed when using an authenticated session.
    HEAD [base] HTTP/1.1
    Host: [host]
    Prefer: persistent-auth
    cookie: JSESSIONID=5dQja5ubr4yvI2MM2z+LZxrK
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. When the session is no longer required, perform a request to the sever without the Prefer: persistent-auth header.
    HEAD [base] HTTP/1.1
    Host: [host]
    Authorization: Basic cmhldm1hZG1pbkBibGFjay5xdW1yYW5ldC5jb206MTIzNDU2
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK