6.6.2. Troubleshooting Asynchronous Replication Behavior

In some instances, a cache configured for asynchronous replication or distribution may wait for responses, which is synchronous behavior. This occurs because caches behave synchronously when both state transfers and asynchronous modes are configured. This synchronous behavior is a prerequisite for state transfer to operate as expected.
Use one of the following to remedy this problem:
  • Disable state transfer and use a ClusteredCacheLoader to lazily look up remote state as and when needed.
  • Enable state transfer and REPL_SYNC. Use the Asynchronous API (for example, the cache.putAsync(k, v)) to activate 'fire-and-forget' capabilities.
  • Enable state transfer and REPL_ASYNC. All RPCs end up becoming synchronous, but client threads will not be held up if you enable a replication queue (which is recommended for asynchronous mode).