5.7. The Mutable interface and @ReadOnly

Many application servers feature HttpSession clustering where changes to the state of mutable objects bound to the session are replicated only when setAttribute is called explicitly. This can lead to bugs that manifest only upon failover, which cannot be effectively tested during development. Further, the replication messages themselves are inefficient, since they contain the entire serialized object graph, bound to the session attribute.
EJB stateful session beans must perform automatic dirty checking (that is, they must automatically detect object state changes to synchronize updated states with the database) and replicate mutable state. A sophisticated EJB container can introduce optimizations such as attribute-level replication. Unfortunately, not all Seam users will be working in an environment that supports EJB3. Therefore, Seam provides an extra layer of cluster-safe state management for session- and conversation-scoped JavaBean and entity bean components.
For session- or conversation-scoped JavaBean components, Seam automatically forces replication by calling setAttribute() once in every request where the component was invoked by the application. However, this strategy is inefficient for read-mostly components. Control this behavior by implementing the org.jboss.seam.core.Mutable interface, or by extending org.jboss.seam.core.AbstractMutable and writing your own dirty-checking logic inside the component. For example,
public class Account extends AbstractMutable { 
  private BigDecimal balance; 
  public void setBalance(BigDecimal balance) { 
    setDirty(this.balance, balance); 
    this.balance = balance; 
  public BigDecimal getBalance() { 
    return balance; 
Or, you can use the @ReadOnly annotation to achieve a similar effect:
public class Account { 
  private BigDecimal balance; 
  public void setBalance(BigDecimal balance) { 
    this.balance = balance; 
  public BigDecimal getBalance() { 
    return balance; 
For session- or conversation-scoped entity bean components, Seam automatically forces replication by calling setAttribute() once in every request, unless the (conversation-scoped) entity is currently associated with a Seam-managed persistence context, in which case replication is unnecessary. This strategy is not necessarily efficient, so session or conversation scope entity beans should be used with care. You can always write a stateful session bean or JavaBean component to "manage" the entity bean instance. For example:
@Stateful @Name("account") 
public class AccountManager extends AbstractMutable { 
  private Account account; // an entity bean 
  public Account getAccount() { 
    return account; 
Note that the EntityHome class in the Seam Application Framework is an excellent example of managing an entity bean instance using a Seam component.