14.2. Start Two Application Server Instances

Before deploying the Hello World quickstart, start two instances of your application server (JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.x).

Procedure 14.1. Start the First Application Server Instance

  1. Navigate to the Root Directory

    In the command line terminal, navigate to the root for your JBoss server directory.
  2. Start the First Application Server

    Depending on your operating system, use the appropriate command from the following to start the first instance of your selected application server:
    1. For Linux:
    2. For Windows:

Procedure 14.2. Start the Second Application Server Instance

  1. Clone the Application Server

    Create a copy of the selected JBoss Server to create a second instance.
  2. Navigate to the Root Directory

    In the command line terminal, navigate to the root for your JBoss server directory.
  3. Start the Second Application Server

    Use the appropriate command for your operating system from the following commands. This command starts the server with the provided port offset to ensure that both the server instances run on the same host.
    1. For Linux:
      $JBOSS_HOME2/bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100
    2. For Windows:
      $JBOSS_HOME2\bin\standalone.bat -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100