14.3. Build and Deploy the Hello World Quickstart

Before building and deploying the quickstart, ensure that all the listed prerequisites are met and that the two application server instances are running (see Section 14.2, “Start Two Application Server Instances” for details).

Procedure 14.3. Build and Deploy the Hello World Quickstart

  1. Navigate to the Required Directory

    In the command line terminal, navigate to the root directory of the quickstart on the command line interface.
  2. Build and Deploy to the First Application Server Instance

    Use the following command to build and deploy the quickstart to the first application server instance as follows:
    # mvn clean package wildfly:deploy
    This command deploys target/jboss-helloworld-jdg.war to the first running server instance.
  3. Build and Deploy to the Second Application Server Instance

    Use the following command to build and deploy the quickstart to the second application server instance with the specified ports as follows:
    # mvn clean package wildfly:deploy -Dwildfly.port=10090
    This command deploys target/jboss-helloworld-jdg.war to the second running server instance.