6.4.2. Tagging a Node with a Region and Zone

Use the oo-admin-ctl-district tool to tag nodes in districts with a region and zone.

Procedure 6.7. To Tag a Node with a Region and Zone:

  1. Create a district if one does not already exist:
    # oo-admin-ctl-district -c create -n district_name -p gear_profile
  2. While adding a node to a district, tag the node with a region and zone. Note that you can add multiple nodes with the -i option:
    # oo-admin-ctl-district -c add-node -n district_name -i Node_Hostname1,Node_Hostname2 -r region_name -z zone_name
    Alternatively, tag a node previously added to a district with a region and zone:
    # oo-admin-ctl-district -c set-region -n district_name -i Node_Hostname -r region_name -z zone_name