9.2. Sequential Mode Options

These are some of the options you can choose to utilize when using the sequential mode:
  1. Order the Rules by salience and position in the ruleset (by setting a sequence attribute on the rule terminal node).
  2. Create an array (one element for each possible rule activation). Element position indicates firing order.
  3. Turn off all node memories, except the right-input Object memory.
  4. Disconnect the Left Input Adapter Node propagation and let the Object and the Node be referenced in a Command object. This is added to a list in the Working Memory for later execution.
  5. Assert all objects. When all assertions are finished and the right-input node memories are populated, you can check the Command list and execute each in turn.
  6. All resulting Activations should be placed in the array, based upon the determined sequence number of the Rule. Record the first and last populated elements, to reduce the iteration range.
  7. Iterate the array of Activations, executing populated element in turn.
  8. If there is a maximum number of allowed rule executions, exit the network evaluations early to fire all the rules in the array.