21.2. Fibonacci Example: Execution

Procedure 21.1. Task

  1. Launch the Eclipse IED.
  2. Open the class org.drools.examples.fibonacci.FibonacciExample.
  3. Right-click the class and select Run as... and then Java application.

Eclipse shows the following output in its console window (with "...snip..." indicating lines that were removed to save space):

recurse for 50
recurse for 49
recurse for 48
recurse for 47
recurse for 5
recurse for 4
recurse for 3
recurse for 2
1 == 1
2 == 1
3 == 2
4 == 3
5 == 5
6 == 8
47 == 2971215073
48 == 4807526976
49 == 7778742049
50 == 12586269025