Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Fuse

1.3. Fabric Migration


If you use Fuse Fabric containers to deploy your applications, you should read this section to understand the issues that affect migration to Red Hat JBoss Fuse. If you use standalone containers, however, you can ignore this section.

Fabric package has changed

In JBoss Fuse 6.1 and JBoss A-MQ 6.1, the Fabric package name has changed from org.fusesource.fabric to io.fabric8, which has the following migration impact:
  • Configuration PIDs for Fabric have been renamed from to For example, this affects the names of the following configuration files under the etc/ directory:
  • If you use any Fabric APIs directly in your own application code, you must replace references to the org.fusesource.fabric package name by io.fabric8.
  • If your Maven pom.xml files have any direct dependencies on Fabric artifacts, you need to change the Maven GroupId from org.fusesource.fabric to io.fabric8 (as well as updating the dependency version). For example, the following fabric-zookeeper dependency:
    Should be replaced by the following dependency: