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4.2. New Features

Netty HTTP transport

There is a new Netty HTTP transport, which can be used in place of the plain HTTP transport. To use the Netty transport, prefix a HTTP URL with netty://—for example, netty://http://localhost:8080/server. The Netty transport is provided in the following artifacts (for client side and server side respectively):
  • cxf-rt-transports-http-netty-client
  • cxf-rt-transports-http-netty-server

UDP transport

New UDP Transport.

HTTPAsyncClient-based HTTP transport

New optional HTTP transport based on Apache HTTP Components HttpAsyncClient.


Support for the protocol, SOAP over UDP.

Message validation

Ability to apply schema validation selectively to incoming or outgoing messages, by setting the schema-validation-enabled property to IN, OUT, BOTH, or NONE. @SchemaValidationEnabled annotation updated with the type=IN|OUT|BOTH|NONE parameter.


Support for WS-Discovery, as follows:
  • Services can send Hello or Bye when started or stopped and can also respond to probe requests.
  • An API for sending probes and resolving to EndpointReferences is provided.

JAX-RS 2.0 specification

Initial support for parts of the JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR-339) specification, as follows:
  • Additional methods on the WebClient class to provide asynchronous invocations.
  • Support for new filters, interceptors, dynamic features, exception classes, and more.