Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

4.2. Model Classes and Types

Teiid Designer can be used to model a variety of classes of models. Each of these represent a conceptually different classification of models.
  • Relational - Model data that can be represented in table columns and records form. Relational models can represent structures found in relational databases, spreadsheets, text files, or simple Web services.
  • XML - Model that represents the basic structures of XML documents. These can be backed by XML Schemas. XML models represent nested structures, including recursive hierarchies.
  • XML Schema - W3C standard for formally defining the structure and constraints of XML documents, as well as the datatypes defining permissible values in XML documents.
  • Web Services - which define Web service interfaces, operations, and operation input and output parameters (in the form of XML Schemas).
  • Function - The Function metamodel supports the capability to provide user defined functions, including binary source jars, to use in custom transformation SQL statements.