Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

7.2. Guide View

In this section, we introduce the Guides View by walking through a simple example. For this example, we will follow the Model JDBC Source Action Set. The actions appear in the following order:
  1. Define Teiid Model Project
  2. Create JDBC connection
  3. Create source model for JDBC data source
  4. Preview Data
  5. Define VDB
  6. Execute VDB
The action names are self explanatory. We will create a new Model Project in the workspace, then define our connection properties to a MySQL database. We will then connect to the database and import the metadata, creating a source model in Teiid Designer. Next we will preview the database contents. Finally we will define a VDB and then deploy it to a running JBoss Data Virtualization Server to execute.