Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat Satellite

1.3. Important Terms

To better understand Red Hat Satellite Proxy, it is important to become familiar with the following Red Hat Satellite terms:
A channel is a list of software packages. There are two types of channels: base channels and child channels. A base channel consists of a list of packages based on a specific architecture and Red Hat release. A child channel is a channel associated with a base channel that contains extra packages.
Organization Administrator
An Organization Administrator is a user role with the highest level of control over an organization's Red Hat Satellite account. Members with this role can add and remove other users, other systems, and system groups to the organization. Each Red Hat Satellite organization requires at least one Organization Administrator.
Channel Administrator
A Channel Administrator is a user role with full access to channel management capabilities. Channel Administrators can create channels and assign packages to channels. Organization Administrators can use the Users tab on the Red Hat Satellite website to assign this role to other users.
Red Hat Update Agent
The Red Hat Update Agent is the Red Hat Network client application (yum) that allows users to retrieve and install new or updated packages on the client system.
A traceback is a detailed error description that is useful for troubleshooting the Satellite Proxy. Traceback files are automatically generated when a critical error occurs, and they are then emailed to the individuals designated in the Satellite Proxy's configuration file.
See the Red Hat Reference Guide and the Help page on the Satellite Web user interface for more information.