Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

2.9. Runtime Metadata

Once you have adequately modeled your enterprise information systems, including the necessary technical metadata that describes the physical structure of your sources, you can use the metadata for data access.
To prepare the metadata for use in the JBoss Data Virtualization Server, you take a snapshot of a metadata model for the JBoss Data Virtualization Server to use when resolving queries from your client applications. This runtime metadata represents a static version of design-time metadata you created or imported. This snapshot is in the form of a Virtual Database definition, or VDB.
As you create this runtime metadata, the Teiid Designer:
  • derives the runtime metadata from a consistent set of metadata models.
  • creates a subset of design-time metadata, focusing on the technical metadata that describes the access to underlying enterprise information systems.
  • optimizes runtime metadata for data access performance.
You can continue to work with the design-time metadata, but once you have created a runtime metadata model, it remains static.