Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

6.3. Connect JBDS to a Remote Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Server

  1. Select File - New - Other - Server
  2. Select Red Hat JBoss Middleware -> JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.x+
  3. Set the host to your remote server host name (such as and click Next.
  4. Select Remote, select Management Operations, check Server lifecycle is externally managed, uncheck Assign a runtime to this server and click Next.
  5. Click New Host, select SSH Only and then click Next.
  6. The Hostname should be pre-filled but otherwise paste in your host name (that is,, set the connection name and click Finish.
  7. Click Finish again (there is no need to fill in Remote Server Home entry).
  8. Double-click the server in Servers View, set the admin username/password and save.


You do not need to set up the users on the local machine.