Chapter 3. Granting administration permissions to manage a CUPS server in the web interface

By default, members of the sys, root, and wheel groups can perform administration tasks in the web interface. However, certain other services use these groups as well. For example, members of the wheel groups can, by default, execute commands with root permissions by using sudo. To avoid that CUPS administrators gain unexpected permissions in other services, use a dedicated group for CUPS administrators.


  • CUPS is configured.
  • The IP address of the client you want to use has permissions to access the administration area in the web interface.


  1. Create a group for CUPS administrators:

    # groupadd cups-admins
  2. Add the users who should manage the service in the web interface to the cups-admins group:

    # usermod -a -G cups-admins <username>
  3. Update the value of the SystemGroup parameter in the /etc/cups/cups-files.conf file, and append the cups-admin group:

    SystemGroup sys root wheel cups-admins

    If only the cups-admin group should have administrative access, remove the other group names from the parameter.

  4. Restart CUPS:

    # systemctl restart cups


  1. Use a browser, and access https://<hostname_or_ip_address>:631/admin/.


    You can access the administration area in the web UI only if you use the HTTPS protocol.

  2. Start performing an administrative task. For example, click Add printer.
  3. The web interface prompts for a username and password. To proceed, authenticate by using credentials of a user who is a member of the cups-admins group.

    If authentication succeeds, this user can perform administrative tasks.