13.6. Java Expressions

Table 13.1. Java Expressions

Capability Example
You can use any Java expression that returns a boolean as a constraint inside the parentheses of a pattern. Java expressions can be mixed with other expression enhancements, such as property access.
Person( age == 50 )
You can change the evaluation priority by using parentheses, as in any logic or mathematical expression.
Person( age > 100 && ( age % 10 == 0 ) )
You can reuse Java methods.
Person( Math.round( weight / ( height * height ) ) < 25.0 )
Type coercion is always attempted if the field and the value are of different types; exceptions will be thrown if a bad coercion is attempted.
Person( age == "10" ) // "10" is coerced to 10


Methods must not change the state of the object in a way that may affect the rules. Any method executed on a fact in the LHS should be a read only method.


The state of a fact should not change between rule invocations (unless those facts are marked as updated to the working memory on every change):
Person( System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000 == 0 ) // Do NOT do this


All operators have normal Java semantics except for == and !=.
The == operator has null-safe equals() semantics:
// Similar to: java.util.Objects.equals(person.getFirstName(), "John")
// so (because "John" is not null) similar to:
// "John".equals(person.getFirstName())
Person( firstName == "John" )
The != operator has null-safe !equals() semantics:
// Similar to: !java.util.Objects.equals(person.getFirstName(), "John")
Person( firstName != "John" )