22.6. Banking Example: Rule in Example3.drl

rule "Rule 03"
        $number : Number( )
        not Number( intValue < $number.intValue )
        System.out.println("Number found with value: " + $number.intValue() ); 
        retract( $number );
Loading file: Example3.drl
Inserting fact: 3
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 4
Inserting fact: 1
Inserting fact: 5
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 1
Number found with value: 3
Number found with value: 4
Number found with value: 5
  • The first line of the rule identifies a Number and extracts the value.
  • The second line ensures that there does not exist a smaller number than the one found by the first pattern. The retraction of the number after it has been printed means that the smallest number has been removed, revealing the next smallest number, and so on.