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Chapter 2. Creating an Overcloud with Ceph Storage Nodes

This chapter describes how to use the director to create an Overcloud that includes its own Ceph Storage Cluster. For instructions on how to create an Overcloud and integrate it with an existing Ceph Storage Cluster, see Chapter 3, Integrating an Existing Ceph Storage Cluster in an Overcloud instead.

The scenario described in this chapter consists of nine nodes in the Overcloud:

  • Three Controller nodes with high availability. This includes the Ceph Monitor service on each node.
  • Three Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes in a cluster. These nodes contain the Ceph OSD service and act as the actual storage.
  • Three Compute nodes.

All machines in this scenario are bare metal systems using IPMI for power management. These nodes do not require an operating system because the director copies a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 image to each node.

The director communicates to each node through the Provisioning network during the introspection and provisioning processes. All nodes connect to this network through the native VLAN. For this example, we use as the Provisioning subnet with the following IP address assignments: ⁠

Node NameIP AddressMAC AddressIPMI IP Address




Controller 1

DHCP defined


Controller 2

DHCP defined


Controller 3

DHCP defined


Compute 1

DHCP defined


Compute 2

DHCP defined


Compute 3

DHCP defined


Ceph 1

DHCP defined


Ceph 2

DHCP defined


Ceph 3

DHCP defined


2.1. Initializing the Stack User

Log into the director host as the stack user and run the following command to initialize your director configuration:

$ source ~/stackrc

This sets up environment variables containing authentication details to access the director’s CLI tools.

2.2. Registering Nodes

A node definition template (instackenv.json) is a JSON format file and contains the hardware and power management details for registering nodes. For example:


After creating the template, save the file to the stack user’s home directory (/home/stack/instackenv.json), then import it into the director. Use the following command to accomplish this:

$ openstack baremetal import --json ~/instackenv.json

This imports the template and registers each node from the template into the director.

Assign the kernel and ramdisk images to all nodes:

$ openstack baremetal configure boot

The nodes are now registered and configured in the director.

2.3. Inspecting the Hardware of Nodes

After registering the nodes, inspect the hardware attribute of each node. Run the following command to inspect the hardware attributes of each node:

$ openstack baremetal introspection bulk start

Make sure this process runs to completion. This process usually takes 15 minutes for bare metal nodes.

2.4. Manually Tagging the Nodes

After registering and inspecting the hardware of each node, tag them into specific profiles. These profile tags match your nodes to flavors, and in turn the flavors are assigned to a deployment role.

Retrieve a list of your nodes to identify their UUIDs:

$ ironic node-list

To manually tag a node to a specific profile, add a profile option to the properties/capabilities parameter for each node. For example, to tag three nodes to use a controller profile and one node to use a compute profile, use the following commands:

$ ironic node-update 1a4e30da-b6dc-499d-ba87-0bd8a3819bc0 add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update 6faba1a9-e2d8-4b7c-95a2-c7fbdc12129a add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update 5e3b2f50-fcd9-4404-b0a2-59d79924b38e add properties/capabilities='profile:control,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update 484587b2-b3b3-40d5-925b-a26a2fa3036f add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update d010460b-38f2-4800-9cc4-d69f0d067efe add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update d930e613-3e14-44b9-8240-4f3559801ea6 add properties/capabilities='profile:compute,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update da0cc61b-4882-45e0-9f43-fab65cf4e52b add properties/capabilities='profile:ceph-storage,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update b9f70722-e124-4650-a9b1-aade8121b5ed add properties/capabilities='profile:ceph-storage,boot_option:local'
$ ironic node-update 68bf8f29-7731-4148-ba16-efb31ab8d34f add properties/capabilities='profile:ceph-storage,boot_option:local'

The addition of the profile option tags the nodes into each respective profiles.


As an alternative to manual tagging, use the Automated Health Check (AHC) Tools to automatically tag larger numbers of nodes based on benchmarking data.

2.5. Defining the Root Disk for Ceph Storage Nodes

Most Ceph Storage nodes use multiple disks. This means the director needs to identify the disk to use for the root disk when provisioning a Ceph Storage node. There are several properties you can use to help identify the root disk:

  • model (String): Device identifier.
  • vendor (String): Device vendor.
  • serial (String): Disk serial number.
  • wwn (String): Unique storage identifier.
  • size (Integer): Size of the device in GB.

In this example, we specify the drive to deploy the Overcloud image using the serial number of the disk to determine the root device.

First, collect a copy of each node’s hardware information that the director obtained from the introspection. This information is stored in the OpenStack Object Storage server (swift). Download this information to a new directory:

$ mkdir swift-data
$ cd swift-data
$ export IRONIC_DISCOVERD_PASSWORD=`sudo grep admin_password /etc/ironic-inspector/inspector.conf | egrep -v '^#'  | awk '{print $NF}'`
$ for node in $(ironic node-list | grep -v UUID| awk '{print $2}'); do swift -U service:ironic -K $IRONIC_DISCOVERD_PASSWORD download ironic-inspector inspector_data-$node; done

This downloads the data from each inspector_data object from introspection. All objects use the node UUID as part of the object name:

$ ls -1

Check the disk information for each node. The following command displays each node ID and the disk information:

$ for node in $(ironic node-list | grep -v UUID| awk '{print $2}'); do echo "NODE: $node" ; cat inspector_data-$node | jq '.inventory.disks' ; echo "-----" ; done

For example, the data for one node might show three disk:

NODE: 46b90a4d-769b-4b26-bb93-50eaefcdb3f4
    "size": 1000215724032,
    "vendor": "ATA",
    "name": "/dev/sda",
    "model": "WDC WD1002F9YZ",
    "wwn": "0x0000000000000001",
    "serial": "WD-000000000001"
    "size": 1000215724032,
    "vendor": "ATA",
    "name": "/dev/sdb",
    "model": "WDC WD1002F9YZ",
    "wwn": "0x0000000000000002",
    "serial": "WD-000000000002"
    "size": 1000215724032,
    "vendor": "ATA",
    "name": "/dev/sdc",
    "model": "WDC WD1002F9YZ",
    "wwn": "0x0000000000000003",
    "serial": "WD-000000000003"

For this example, set the root device to disk 2, which has WD-000000000002 as the serial number. This requires a change to the root_device parameter for the node definition:

$ ironic node-update 97e3f7b3-5629-473e-a187-2193ebe0b5c7 add properties/root_device='{"serial": "WD-000000000002"}'

This helps the director identify the specific disk to use as the root disk. When we initiate our Overcloud creation, the director provisions this node and writes the Overcloud image to this disk. The other disks are used for mapping our Ceph Storage nodes.


Do not use name to set the root disk as this value can change when the node boots.

2.6. Enabling Ceph Storage in the Overcloud

The Overcloud image already contains the Ceph services and the necessary Puppet modules to automatically configure both the Ceph OSD nodes and the Ceph Monitor on Controller clusters. The Overcloud’s Heat template collection also contains the necessary procedures to enable your Ceph Storage configuration. However, the director requires some details to enable Ceph Storage and pass on the intended configuration. To pass this information, copy the storage-environment.yaml environment file to your stack user’s templates directory.

$ cp /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml ~/templates/.

Modify the following options in the copy of storage-environment.yaml:

Enables the iSCSI backend. Set to false.
Enables the Ceph Storage backend. Set to true.
Enables the NFS backend. Set to false.
Enables Ceph Storage for Nova ephemeral storage. Set to true.
Defines the backend to use for Glance. Set to rbd to use Ceph Storage for images.

The storage-environment.yaml also contains some options to configure Ceph Storage directly through Heat. However, these options are not necessary in this scenario since the director creates these nodes and automatically defines the configuration values.

2.7. Mapping the Ceph Storage Node Disk Layout

The default mapping uses the root disk for Ceph Storage. However, most production environments use multiple separate disks for storage and partitions for journaling. In this situation, you define a storage map as part of the storage-environment.yaml file copied previously.

Edit the storage-environment.yaml file and add an additional section that contains the following:


This adds extra Hiera data to the Overcloud, which Puppet uses as custom parameters during configuration. Use the ceph::profile::params::osds parameter to map the relevant disks and journal partitions. For example, a Ceph node with four disks might have the following assignments:

  • /dev/sda - The root disk containing the Overcloud image
  • /dev/sdb - The disk containing the journal partitions. This is usually a solid state disk (SSD) to aid with system performance.
  • /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd - The OSD disks

For this example, the mapping might contain the following:

          journal: '/dev/sdb'
          journal: '/dev/sdb'

If you do not want a separate disk for journals, use co-located journals on the OSD disks. Pass a blank value to the journal parameters:

        '/dev/sdb': {}
        '/dev/sdc': {}
        '/dev/sdd': {}

After completing these modifications, save the storage-environment.yaml file so that when we deploy the Overcloud, the Ceph Storage nodes use our disk mapping. We include this file in our deployment to initiate our storage requirements.

2.8. Formatting Ceph Storage Node Disks to GPT

The Ceph Storage OSDs and journal partitions require GPT disk labels. This means the additional disks on Ceph Storage require conversion to GPT labels before installing the Ceph OSD. To accomplish this, the node must execute a script to perform this operation on first boot. You include this script as part of a Heat template in your Overcloud creation. For example, the following heat template (wipe-disks.yaml) runs a script that checks all disks on Ceph Storage node and converts all of them (except the disk containing the root file system) to GPT.

heat_template_version: 2014-10-16

description: >
  Wipe and convert all disks to GPT (except the disk containing the root file system)

    type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime
      - config: {get_resource: wipe_disk}

    type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
      config: {get_file:}

    value: {get_resource: userdata}

This Heat template makes reference to a Bash script called This script contains your procedure to wipe the non-root disks. The following script is an example of that wipes all disks except for the root disk:

if [[ `hostname` = *"ceph"* ]]
  echo "Number of disks detected: $(lsblk -no NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT | grep "disk" | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l)"
  for DEVICE in `lsblk -no NAME,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT | grep "disk" | awk '{print $1}'`
    echo "Checking /dev/$DEVICE..."
    echo "Number of partitions on /dev/$DEVICE: $(expr $(lsblk -n /dev/$DEVICE | awk '{print $7}' | wc -l) - 1)"
    for MOUNTS in `lsblk -n /dev/$DEVICE | awk '{print $7}'`
      if [ "$MOUNTS" = "/" ]
    if [ $ROOTFOUND = 0 ]
      echo "Root not found in /dev/${DEVICE}"
      echo "Wiping disk /dev/${DEVICE}"
      sgdisk -Z /dev/${DEVICE}
      sgdisk -g /dev/${DEVICE}
      echo "Root found in /dev/${DEVICE}"

To include the Heat template in your environment, register it as the NodeUserData resource in your storage-environment.yaml file:

  OS::TripleO::NodeUserData: /home/stack/templates/firstboot/wipe-disks.yaml

2.9. Creating the Overcloud

The creation of the Overcloud requires additional arguments for the openstack overcloud deploy command. For example:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates -e /home/stack/templates/storage-environment.yaml --control-scale 3 --compute-scale 3 --ceph-storage-scale 3 --control-flavor control --compute-flavor compute --ceph-storage-flavor ceph-storage --neutron-network-type vxlan --ntp-server

The above command uses the following options:

  • --templates - Creates the Overcloud from the default Heat template collection.
  • -e /home/stack/templates/storage-environment.yaml - Adds an additional environment file to the Overcloud deployment. In this case, it is the storage environment file containing our Ceph Storage configuration.
  • --control-scale 3 - Scale the Controller nodes to three.
  • --compute-scale 3 - Scale the Compute nodes to three.
  • --ceph-storage-scale 3 - Scale the Ceph Storage nodes to three.
  • --control-flavor control - Use a specific flavor for the Controller nodes.
  • --compute-flavor compute - Use a specific flavor for the Compute nodes.
  • --ceph-storage-flavor ceph-storage - Use a specific flavor for the Compute nodes.
  • --neutron-network-type vxlan - Sets the neutron networking type.
  • --ntp-server - Sets our NTP server.

For a full list of options, run:

$ openstack help overcloud deploy

For more information, see Setting Overcloud Parameters in the Director Installation and Usage guide.

The Overcloud creation process begins and the director provisions your nodes. This process takes some time to complete. To view the status of the Overcloud creation, open a separate terminal as the stack user and run:

$ source ~/stackrc
$ heat stack-list --show-nested

2.10. Accessing the Overcloud

The director generates a script to configure and help authenticate interactions with your Overcloud from the director host. The director saves this file (overcloudrc) in your stack user’s home directory. Run the following command to use this file:

$ source ~/overcloudrc

This loads the necessary environment variables to interact with your Overcloud from the director host’s CLI. To return to interacting with the director’s host, run the following command:

$ source ~/stackrc

2.11. Monitoring Ceph Storage Nodes

After completing the Overcloud creation, it is recommended to check the status of the Ceph Storage Cluster to make sure it is working properly. To accomplish this, log into a Controller node as the heat-admin user from the director.

$ nova list
$ ssh heat-admin@

Check the health of the cluster:

$ sudo ceph health

If the cluster has no issues, the command reports back HEALTH_OK. This means the cluster is safe to use.

Check the status of the Ceph Monitor quorum:

$ sudo ceph quorum_status

This shows the monitors participating in the quorum and which one is the leader.

Check if all Ceph OSDs are running:

$ ceph osd stat

For more information on monitoring Ceph Storage clusters, see Chapter 3. Monitoring in the Red Hat Ceph Storage Administration Guide.

2.12. Rebooting the Environment

A situation might occur where you need to reboot the environment. For example, when you might need to modify the physical servers, or you might need to recover from a power outage. In this situation, it is important to make sure your Ceph Storage nodes boot correctly. Make sure to boot the nodes in the following order:

  • Boot all Controller nodes first - This ensures the Ceph Monitor service is active in your high availability cluster.
  • Boot all Ceph Storage nodes - This ensures the Ceph OSD cluster can connect to the active Ceph Monitor cluster on the Controller nodes.

If a situation occurs where all Overcloud nodes boot at the same time, the Ceph OSD services might not start correctly on the Ceph Storage nodes. In this situation, reboot the Ceph Storage OSDs so they can connect to the Ceph Monitor service on the Controller nodes. Run the following command on each Ceph Storage node:

$ sudo systemctl restart 'ceph*'

Verify a HEALTH_OK status of the Ceph Storage node cluster with the following command:

$ sudo ceph status

2.13. Replacing Ceph Storage Nodes

A situation might occur when a Ceph Storage node fails. In this situation, you must ensure to disable and rebalance the faulty node before removing it from the Overcloud to ensure no data loss. This procedure explains the process for replacing a Ceph Storage node.


This procedure uses steps from the Red Hat Ceph Storage Administration Guide to manually remove Ceph Storage nodes. For more in-depth information about manual removal of Ceph Storage nodes, see Removing OSDs Manually from the Red Hat Ceph Storage Administration Guide.

Log into either a Controller node or a Ceph Storage node as the heat-admin user. The director’s stack user has an SSH key to access the heat-admin user.

List the OSD tree and find the OSDs for your node. For example, your node to remove might contain the following OSDs:

-2 0.09998 host overcloud-cephstorage-0 0 0.04999 osd.0 up 1.00000 1.00000 1 0.04999 osd.1 up 1.00000 1.00000

Disable the OSDs on the Ceph Storage node. In this case, the OSD IDs are 0 and 1.

[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd out 0
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd out 1

The Ceph Storage cluster begins rebalancing. Wait for this process to complete. You can follow the status using the following command:

[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo ceph -w

Once the Ceph cluster completes rebalancing, log into the faulty Ceph Storage node as the heat-admin user and stop the node.

[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop osd.0
[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop osd.1

Remove the Ceph Storage node from the CRUSH map so that it no longer receives data.

[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd crush remove osd.0
[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd crush remove osd.1

Remove the OSD authentication key.

[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph auth del osd.0
[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph auth del osd.1

Remove the OSD from the cluster.

[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd rm 0
[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ sudo ceph osd rm 1

Leave the node and return to the director host as the stack user.

[heat-admin@overcloud-cephstorage-0 ~]$ exit
[stack@director ~]$

Disable the Ceph Storage node so the director does not reprovision it.

[stack@director ~]$ ironic node-list
[stack@director ~]$ ironic node-set-maintenance [UUID] true

Removing a Ceph Storage node requires an update to the overcloud stack in the director using the local template files. First identify the UUID of the Overcloud stack:

$ heat stack-list

Identify the UUIDs of the Ceph Storage node to delete:

$ nova list

Run the following command to delete the node from the stack and update the plan accordingly:

$ openstack overcloud node delete --stack [STACK_UUID] --templates -e [ENVIRONMENT_FILE] [NODE_UUID]

If you passed any extra environment files when you created the Overcloud, pass them again here using the -e or --environment-file option to avoid making undesired changes to the Overcloud.

Wait until the stack completes its update. Monitor the stack update using the heat stack-list --show-nested command.

Add new nodes to the director’s node pool and deploy them as Ceph Storage nodes. Use the --ceph-storage-scale option to define the total number of Ceph Storage nodes in the Overcloud. For example, if you removed a faulty node from a three-node cluster and you want to replace it, use --ceph-storage-scale 3 to return the number of Ceph Storage nodes to its original value:

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates --ceph-storage-scale 3 -e [ENVIRONMENT_FILES]

If you passed any extra environment files when you created the Overcloud, pass them again here using the -e or --environment-file option to avoid making undesired changes to the Overcloud.

The director provisions the new node and updates the entire stack with the new node’s details.

Log into a Controller node as the heat-admin user and check the status of the Ceph Storage node. For example:

[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo ceph status

Confirm that the value in the osdmap section matches the number of desired nodes in your cluster.

The failed Ceph Storage node has now been replaced with a new node.