Red Hat Training

A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization

6.2. Configuration Properties

If the translator requires configurable properties then:
  1. define a variable for every property as an attribute in the extended ExecutionFactory class,
  2. define "get" and "set" methods for each attribute,
  3. and annotate each "get" method with @TranslatorProperty annotation and provide the metadata about the property.
For example, if you need a property called foo, by providing the annotation on these properties, JBoss Data Virtualization will automatically interrogate and provide a graphical way to configure your Translator while designing your VDB.
private String foo = "blah";
@TranslatorProperty(display="Foo property", description="description about Foo") 
public String getFoo() 
   return foo;

public void setFoo(String value) 
   return = value;
Only java primitive (int, boolean), primitive object wrapper (java.lang.Integer), or Enum types are supported as Translator properties. The default value will be derived from calling the getter, if available, on a newly constructed instance. All properties should have a default value. If there is no applicable default, then the property should be marked in the annotation as required. Initialization will fail if a required property value is not provided.
The @TranslatorProperty defines the following metadata that you can define about your property.
  • display - the display name of the property.
  • description - a description about the property.
  • required - specifies that the property is required.
  • advanced - an advanced property (a default value must be provided).
  • masked - tools need to mask the property, that is, do not show it in plain text. Used for passwords.


A property can not be "advanced" and "required" at the same time.