18.6.4. Transaction Recovery Process

The following process outlines the transaction recovery process in JBoss Data Grid.

Procedure 18.3. The Transaction Recovery Process

  1. The Transaction Manager creates a list of transactions that require intervention.
  2. The system administrator, connected to JBoss Data Grid using JMX, is presented with the list of transactions (including transaction IDs) using email or logs. The status of each transaction is either COMMITTED or PREPARED. If some transactions are in both COMMITTED and PREPARED states, it indicates that the transaction was committed on some nodes while in the preparation state on others.
  3. The System Administrator visually maps the XID received from the Transaction Manager to a JBoss Data Grid internal ID. This step is necessary because the XID (a byte array) cannot be conveniently passed to the JMX tool and then reassembled by JBoss Data Grid without this mapping.
  4. The system administrator forces the commit or rollback process for a transaction based on the mapped internal ID.