4.2.2. Local Mode Operations

Using JBoss Data Grid's local mode instead of a map provides a number of benefits.
Caches offer features that are unmatched by simple maps, such as:
  • Write-through and write-behind caching to persist data.
  • Entry eviction to prevent the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) running out of memory.
  • Support for entries that expire after a defined period.
JBoss Data Grid is built around a high performance, read-biased data container that uses techniques such as optimistic and pessimistic locking to manage lock acquisitions.
JBoss Data Grid also uses compare-and-swap and other lock-free algorithms, resulting in high throughput multi-CPU or multi-core environments. Additionally, JBoss Data Grid's Cache API extends the JDK's ConcurrentMap, resulting in a simple migration process from a map to JBoss Data Grid.