Unable to ssh into Satellite server from SAM server using SSH key
I am following the steps outlined on https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Subscription_Management/1/html/Using_Subscription_Asset_Manager/sam-splice.html and I am at stuck at the part where I ssh into the sat server from the SAM server.
I have created the RSA key on my SAM sever, added the swreport user to the sat server, created the authorized keys file in the .ssh dir of the swreport and set the required file permissions.
The contents of the of the auth key file:
command="/usr/bin/spacewalk-report $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" \
ssh-rsa (contents of /var/lib/splice/id_rsa-sat from SAM server) swreport@satserver
Any suggestions on what I can do to get this to authenticate with the SSH key and not prompt for a password?