How to create a WS with CXF and Maven, implementing "LoadBalance" and "FailOver"

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Is to implement "load balance" and "failover" to a project based on the Maven CXF framework, the test is being carried out on a Linux Mint 64-bit version of Maven used is "Apache Maven 3.0.4" version Java JDK is "Java version: 1.7.0_25".

Reading the documentation I found that I need to have a WS with element “jaxws:client" (WS consumer) within the configuration file “beans.xml",
as the examples are shown in the official documentation are WS with item "jaxws:endpoint"(WS provider) , I have not found how to change these settings, if required or extra plugins repository within the "pom.xml". Does anyone know how to do this? some complete example?
